How Independent Living Can Help if You’re Working into Retirement

A paradigm shift about retirement is underway, redefining this era as a second act of professional and personal fulfillment. As workers from the baby boomer generation and beyond approach their post-working years, many are looking at retirement less as a time to put their feet up and more as an opportunity to pursue new career paths and engage in the workforce in unique ways. For those seeking both a continued connection to their jobs and a liberating lifestyle, the idea of working into retirement is undergoing its renaissance.

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When’s the Best Time to Consider Independent Living?

Whether you’re looking to downsize your current home or you’re searching for the perfect environment to create your ideal retirement, you might be wondering if it’s time to start thinking about independent senior living. There’s never a wrong time to start planning for the future, especially when it comes to making such a significant lifestyle change. 

So where do you begin, and how can you be sure that independent living is right for you?

Read More about When’s the Best Time to Consider Independent Living?

Independent Senior Living: Tips for Making Your Move

You decided to move into independent senior living, researched, and found the right community for you. All that is left to do now is the moving part. However, this could be the most stressful if you have not properly prepared. In fact, according to a survey conducted by OnePoll, “45% of respondents say that moving is by far the most stressful event in life.”

Read More about Independent Senior Living: Tips for Making Your Move