How to Cope with the Loss of a Spouse

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than losing your life partner. After the loss of a spouse, you might find yourself thinking back on all the beautiful memories you both made together, such as raising your children, going on your first date, saying your wedding vows, and growing together over the years. 

For older adults, coping with the loss of a spouse can be even more difficult after spending most of their adult lives together and accomplishing numerous life milestones by each other’s side. Not to mention, living alone after such a loss can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

At Uplands Village, our life plan community provides a lifestyle of purpose and vibrant, active living for residents, and we want to ensure that each individual has the resources they need to overcome every obstacle.

One Day at a Time

After losing your spouse, overwhelming feelings of sadness and shock can make it difficult to go about your daily routine, get outside of the house, or even get out of bed. Average days can seem nearly impossible to get through; however, life continues to go on even during times of grief. It’s crucial to remember to take the time you need to mourn your spouse and approach the healing process one day at a time. 

Build a Support System

The loss of a spouse means that you’ve lost perhaps your most important support system – the person that you’ve relied on for decades. While it’s essential to give yourself the space you need during your grieving process, finding a system of support can help you create a setting where you can feel comfortable expressing your feelings. In other words, it can be cathartic to have a group of trusted loved ones to rely on.

It’s also important to find individuals that you can relate to during this experience, particularly when it comes to losing a partner in your later years. There are many grief support groups that enable you to meet others who are going through similar situations. Support groups are unique in that they allow people to express their most difficult and personal emotions to a group that understands precisely what they’re going through. You might feel uncomfortable sharing certain feelings with a relative or your adult children, but in a grief support group, you can trust that you’ll find individuals who truly understand and relate. 

Finding Purpose and Meaning

The life that you shared with your spouse was full of meaning. You raised a family, built a home, and spent many wonderful years with the person you loved dearly. You might have spent plenty of time participating in fun activities together, whether you shared a special hobby or made it a point to watch the sunset together every evening. After the loss of a spouse, these activities might feel completely different. They might feel meaningless, and you could even harbor feelings of guilt for continuing to enjoy them without your partner by your side. 

Finding an outlet for fulfillment is an integral part of the healing process, whether you decide to reconnect with your personal passions and hobbies or discover new activities that allow you to explore things that bring you joy on your own. Making these changes to your routine will take time, and you certainly will not heal overnight, but you will feel better with time.

Remember that grief is not forever. Mourning a person that you love takes time, and it’s completely natural to face severe emotions during this time. However limiting it might feel, grieving is not a permanent state, and you do not have to go through this alone.

Uplands Village is a life plan community where purpose and meaning are found in every corner and care and support are always available for life’s most difficult moments. When you choose to become a member of our community, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to rely on your fellow residents and surrounding team members. These people are fellow members of the community and are a true support system that can be your shoulder to lean on during your healing process.

Contact our team today to learn more about our life plan community in Tennessee.